Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mike T: A question 'what can we do to strengthen our chapter and make it more cohesive?'"

Here is a response from myself, John, OPL:
Thank you very much for bringing up this question. It needs reflection. I will be spending some time in prayer over the next week regarding this, and will make a novena and pray the Dominican Litany. Due to the nature of the Chapter, in that it is widespread with multiple numbers of people from various walks of life, it will have some logistical problems. Of course, the variety is a source of strength as well. This is seasonally on my mind.
Here are some things to think about (remember these are just ideas): (1). Hold a quarterly meeting outside of the monthly meetings, at someone's home, with a potluck, pray together and discuss some spiritual matter etc. (2). Do a Chapter apostolate, whereby the members of the Chapter make a commitment to join together in one apostolate, i.e. do visitation at a given hospital once a week or month, i.e. obtain lists of parish members who are in a hospital and go visit them. (3). Once a month, meet at St. Paul's in Nampa or elsewhere and say a public Rosary. (4#. Determine the subject of, and plan the logistic of, and put on a colloquium or seminar on a given subject. For instance, we should do one on peace & justice issues. For instance, Mary Ellen Nourse stays in contact and she could garner a lot of interest in such an effort. (5). Post questions and discussion on the site.
In furtherance of these ideas, one immediate thing we must consider, is that Mary Meade, Esq., who is a marriage counselor connected with one of the diocese in Maryland or about D.C. is coming out the week of August 10 to 15th of this year, 2009, along with another member of the Immaculate Conception Chapter of the OPLs at the Dominican House of Studies on the Catholic University of America campus. It will be fun to have her...Also, As there are many people who have been unable to attend a chapter meeting, I would like all to join me at my home, 6:00 p.m., Saturday, June 27th, 2009, for a potluck, prayer, and discussion. As a method of continuing education, I would invite people to read the following link, with regard to growth and fervor of our Faith and the state. It is real problem. The following article link here describes a genuine concern for government in the United States. If what happened in Europe, then American will be secularized. That must be avoided. Big government has its impact. Therefore, we could have a colloquy at that get-together on the 27th.
The link:
Please read the article before commenting. After you read it, you will understand the concern. I will be praying for additional ideas and efforts. Prayer is the key we should follow. It is one way to change ourselves and our hearts toward each other.Again, Mike, how good it is you asked these questions. Let's keep praying.

Welcome Idaho Dominicans, including Phil1938, Carolyn, Anita, Mark, Bjfitz, and Mike T

Do you have any comments or questions? Any posting for the next Chapter meeting? Sign in and post it here!